Authentication & Authorization / TokenAuthentication / dj-rest-auth / DRF Auth, IsAuthenticated in Vue / drf-spectacular
서버, 클라이언트 / Vue, Django (Vue with DRF) - Read, Create
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Articles with Vue - CRUD
router 주소 이동 (선언적, 프로그래밍적) / Dynamic Route Matching / lazy-loading / Navigation Guard (전역 가드, 라우트 가드, 컴포넌트 가드)
Routing , Vue Routing 시작하기
UX & UI / Prototyping
Vuex를 사용한 Todo 프로젝트 만들기 / Local Storage, vuex-persistedstate
Lifecycle Hooks - created, mounted, updated, destroyed
Vuex state management - store : state, actions, mutations, getters